Thursday, January 27, 2011

Kalonzo, who really sent you?

Stephen Kalonzo Msyoka you are a real wipper. This time round you are busy trying to wipe out the Ocampo six cases for the Kenya PEV suspects by removing Kenya from the Rome statutes.What is not clear is who actually sent you? Was it KKK, the President or the PM. Were you on your own? Please Kenyans would like to know. Remember that those who try to protect criminals will be destroyed by the same criminals. You are with two key suspects in the KKK movement. You are the oldest of the three and the only innocent one. Then What pulls you together? The "Kupita katikati" ego!!!!!!!!

Not this time round. Kenyans have known you and Mutula Kilonzo too. By the way are you still in Nark Kenya or you have defected to KKK? Hooo!!!!! I know you are katikati. They say in Kiswahili " Apitaye katikati husimama katikati" you are neither here nor there.

Pole ndugu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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